Saturday, August 1, 2009

In Seatle, it's 105 and no rain! What's wrong with this picture???


Successive downpours sort of wiped out the sailing on Friday. Well, not sort of but actually. When one is actually voyaging, rain and storms are a part of what you get. If you are sailing, you just deal with it. If you are at anchor, you settle down with a good book and a glass of rum and enjoy the indolence. If you are ashore, however, hauling another load of stuff to the boat through the rain and out on a launch ride just isn't enticing. It is just wet and is usually avoided. And so it was yesterday.I'll have to wait and see what Saturday brings! There is of course no end to the list of little things that need doing, but hopefully they will all be put off, delayed and deferred in favor of sailing.


I am looking for a week of sunshine and 12-15 knots of wind . . .from any direction. I am not sure what the coming week will bring but then, who really cares. It is summer, ABISHAG is in the water waiting on her mooring, my knee is all better . . .what more could one ask. I am really looking forward to one good, long day of sailing where the only sound is the wind in the sails and the water against the hull. And I think that God will provide that opportunity this week! ! ! ! ! !