Friday, August 23, 2013


     The summer is slipping away fast. The weather continues to be confused. We had what could have been a great thunderstorm yesterday but it petered out and, aside from a rumble or two f thunder and the odd lightning bolt, it was pretty tame. We could have used the rain for it is rather dry, but it didn't come. The humidity remains but isn't as noticeable as the temp isn't as hot as it should be. August has not delivered on real hot, hazy, humid days and nights. Like the rest of summer, it has been confused trying to be some other month.

     The Block Island-to-Newport-to New London cruisers are due back today. They will probably get in late in the afternoon. The weather has been good for them, especially the wind which has been strong and steady. It is the last cruise before the last cruise, the one on Columbus Day Weekend when several of the cruisers will end up in Portland for winter boat hauling. It is another sign that "the end" is near.

     The summer seems to have passed with much greater speed this year, over even before it seemed properly begun. and while I enjoyed almost all of it, it is amazing how quickly it passed by. I do not look forward to long pants and shoes and blankets and jackets and all such things. I am just not a winter person and "Winter" comes when the ABISHAG is hauled out of the water.