Saturday, May 13, 2017

Latest Update . . . Nothing Really


     I haven't had a chance to get up to ABISHAG in over  a week, Either the weather crapped out or I got delayed by work in the loft. So the Launching will be a couple of days/weeks later. It doesn't matter so long as it happens.

     I was hoping that this weekend would be two good days of work but the weather is really deteriorating. We are supposed to get a northeaster with the typical rain( torrential) and wind (blowing like stink) which kinda puts the kibosh on that. Next week probably won't be much better. The owner of the loft underwent his second hamstring reattachment surgery Thursday last and he will be limping around badly for quite a while. He had the last one in February an it was awful. Once he was able to drive himself to the loft he showed up and was more of a hindrance than a help. In addition, he had so much therapy way out of town that he often was not there at all.  He is a good guy but he will certainly try and tough it out and it won't be fun.

     In addition to that, Willie G., my "oft mate, is off to Philly for a couple of weeks to help out a friend whose father is suffering with Alzheimer's.  That means it is me and "the Boos" and often, at least to the end of the month, just me.

     One good thing will be happening, I'll be getting paid. I haven't seen a checque since January/February sometime. "The Boss" really isn't as astute businessman as he is a sailor and sail maker. Aside from the initial deposits when the sails showed up in the fall, no one has paid a dime since even though the work on most is completed. Willie G & I have pushed "the Boss" to charge storage after the work is done in addition to the cost of the work. He didn't so the loft owes utilities, vendors and us. The good thing is sailing season is hear and it is tough to sail without sails. So over the next couple of weeks, cash should flow in figuratively speaking.

     This weekend the Launch at TYC starts up. As is tradition, the weather will be crappy, but the club still has to pay. I have a 5 hour shift on Sunday. There is one boat already in the mooring field but I doubt it will go out this weekend. The only other traffic would be boats coming to the club after a long winter's nap, though I doubt there will be many if any. Sailing in the rain in New England in May is never, ever a pleasant experience so most avoid it. And so a new season starts!