Sunday, May 29, 2016

Close, O So Close! ! ! ! ! !


     Well, the Bow Pulpit is In Place!!!!! Friend Fred & I worked on it last weekend and got it straightened out . . . well almost. we were able to get the rail almost back in place simply by using "our weight." By bouncing up and down on the rail and pulling on the rails, we got it almost straightened out. It still has a bit of a curve where it was really bent out of true, but it simply gives ABISHAG character, sort of like a boxer with a broken nose.

     It did take a lot of effort to get the legs to fit into their original places and, after a lot of sweating and groaning and effort, we got them to fit in place. Once they were where they belong, once all the holes were drilled in the proper spots, once all the machine screws were in place, once everything fit as it should, we had to dismantle the whole thing. The excess fiberglass repairs were ground down to where they were flat  and time ran out. We had to wait until this weekend to finish up. And finish up we did. Dur to all the work done last weekend, it only took a little over 90 minutes to bed it, screw it in place and sit back an marvel at what we had done. All that remains is to await the arrival and installation of the new forestay-furling system to be installed and it is sailing time.

     In the meantime, the launch is calling me. I had to do launch duty Friday and Saturday and will be on duty again on Monday Morning! It  is wonderful to have money coming in from the sail loft and the launch, but it is ruining my free time to work on ABISHAG. Well, unless there is a serious delay on the forestay-furling system delivery, we should be afloat inside of two weeks!