Wednesday, December 5, 2018


      Yes, we are still afloat! It seems as though ABISHAG is really right out side the door of his office, Eric the Mechanical Shaman has not quite got around to giving her engine his full attention yet.

     Nor have I for that matter. I  really haven't been able too. I got an early Christmas gift from one those pint-size germ factories . .  . my grandnieces & nephew during our Thanksgiving family gathering. I get the impression that they were equally generous with others at the gathering as well.  It laid me abed for a good 10 days. It had all the biggies: sore throat, fever, congestion, muscle ache and my get up and go really got up and went. In addition, the weather was either rainy and cold or rainy and freezing or rainy and warm but turning cold, not the type of weather for working outdoors even when healthy.

    I have pretty much shaken it off now and I hope that tomorrow, after a trip to the dentist, that Friend Fred and I will actually be able to make at least a start of stripping her out for the winter. It should have been done a month or moer ago but you know that tune. AH! THE JOYS OF BOAT OWNERSHIP!!!!!!!