Tuesday, September 17, 2013

If It Weren'tFor Bad Luck I Would Have No Luck At All!!!!!!


     This past weekend was something special. It was the Schooner Festival in New London and while not all the schooners advertised actually showed up, those that did were spectacular. I got drafted to work race committee for the Saturday "Schooner Race" and had a wonderful vantage point to watch these marvelous boats sail.  The smallest schooner was about 30 feet and the largest was over 160 feet. They all were gaft-rigged and there were more lines on them than you would believe. Among the bigger vessels, while BRILLIANT was the classiest looking, VIRGINIA at 122 feet was the most impressive. Even as a sailor, I am always impressed at vessels so large can be moved by the blowing wind. And they move well, too. In about 10 knots of wind, VIRGINIA put up a respectable bow wave, not quite "a bone in her teeth," but respectable nonetheless.

     This morning, my P.O.S. blew a tire. this was not unexpected as the steel belt had begun to show through in a spot, but I was hoping it would hang in for another few days. So much for hope! All it really means is that I have to "dance with the DMV" in the next few days, as well as switching insurance coverage and "disposing of the "new" car. I say "new" car because my new ride is older than the P.O.S. . . . by a bunch. The new ride is a 1989 Ford Tempo with 24,173 miles on it. It belonged to  friend of mine's grandmother and she literally only drove it to church and the super market. it got checked out and repaired by another friend and so it should last me for awhile. Heck, 2 more years and it will be an antique and then the taxes on it will all be disappear.

     Speaking of insurance,I actually go insurance on ABISHAG. Well, not so much on her as for what she might do. She gets hauled out after Columbus Day weekend and her insurance is liability, to cover any damage she might cause if she should say fall of her stands and hit another boat, damaging it. I am not worried about her as she is built like a tank but she could do some serious wreckage should she fall on another boat. I didn't get any coverage for damage to her as it would entail a survey and I both can't afford it and don't want an "official record" of her deficiencies. If someone decided to purchase her, they get to pay for  a survey.

     It is getting bleedin' cold at night. The days are not much better with the wind out of the north. If this keeps up I will be forced into shoes and long pants. I just hate the thought!