Thursday, December 6, 2007


Well, I was afraid of this! The weather has become freezing cold (what a surprise in December!) and the work is not quite done, so I am still here and will be here at least through the middle of next week! I have had to "winterize" the boat, not a big deal and easily reversible, but it is what it signifies - Winter is here big time!
I have been unable to get down to the boat for the last few days as the "cold & flu Season" has claimed me as a victim. I presume that the work has pretty much been completed but I assume that it is all not done. In one sense, I would rather that it not be completed as it would be a painful thing to be ready to go and yet be unable to go because of the weather. If I am feeling up to speed I will head down tomorrow and check out just where we are.
The days have become more winter than late Fall and I am beginning to wonder whether or not I will be able to actually get away. The heating on the boat is enough to take the raw edge of the chill off making it not uncomfortable inside, but on deck, in this current weather, will be just a little raw. If I can get a break in the weather for 4 days to a week, I can get to where the weather will not matter as much but it might be a bit much to hope for. This does not make me happy, but it also gets me thinking about the why. What is God trying to get me to think about, to deal with, to grow into this time? I haven't quite got that figured out just yet but now it looks as though I will have the time to figure it out.

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