Saturday, November 15, 2008

Still Stuck Ashore


I am not sure what type of calendar the Yard Boss is using but it is evidently far different that the one I use. Last week, his exact words were "early next week" for the arrival and installation of the new prop. It didn't happen Monday. I didn't really expect it on Tuesday as it was a federal holiday. Certainly Wednesday, Hump Day, would bring the phone call and the good news, but no such luck. Nothing Thursday nor Friday, and now I am into another November weekend. Considering the weather beating up the east coast, it is probably a good thing, but still . . . . . .

I suppose that I could call up the Yard Boss and ask him "what'sup", but again it is probably, out of his control. I am waiting on him, and he is waiting on his supplier, and he is waiting on his retailer, and he is waiting on the foundry, etc. I am sure that all this waiting will serve its purpose though I am beginning to be concerned about what situation, what set of circumstances is going to require that I have such patience.


It seems like an awfully long time ago now, but that first day sailing, even though it ended not good at all, was wonderful, fantastic, truly everything I wanted it to be. I am really looking forward to another such day. I can't wait to go through New york City, not just because it means I am really on my way, but just to go through that particular piece of water. Seeing the New York skyline, the Statue of Liberty, the Verrazanno Narrow Bridge, Sandy Hook . . . it will be fantastic. And I would like to be able to do it before it gets to the point where I am more concerned about how cold I am rather than what is going on around me. Maybe before Thanksgiving?

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