Wednesday, February 11, 2009

At Last, Some Good News! ! ! ! !


I went down to see ABISHAG yesterday. along the coats, the snow is all but gone and it was warm enough that there was some actual thawing. This meant that the ground around the boat was more mud than dirt. Thank goodness for rubber boots!

Much to my disappointment, but expected nonetheless, the "Fiberglass Fairy" and the " Epoxy Elf" had not shown up since the last visit and the keel was still damaged and in need of repair. The interior also remained untouched and still rather disheveled. I don't know why the gremlins had not shown up to clean-up and arrange the the items wintering on board. They must be busy elsewhere these days. Even with the "thaw," the interior was freezer-like.

Skip, good friend and master carpenter, came with me so that I could point out the things I would like to do with the interior. Carpentry is right up their with electrical work work on my skills lists so it behooves me to get the advice of someone who actually knows what they are doing, and Skip knows. He will provide some simple solutions to the needs (mostly storage) along with practical and easy plans for doing the deed.

The good news came today from Allison Burgess of Zurich Marine Insurance. They will pay for the repair work, less $1,600 and the check is in the mail.


It was great to be on board even if ABISHAG wasn't in the water. I wanted to start working immediately but it will have to wait. The slight thaw is soon to be followed by a real return to winter so things will have to wait a bit. I still have 75 days before launching.

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