Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It Is Not As Simple As You Might Think


I am referring to the blog actually. Many times, especially when there really is nothing going on about ABISHAG, the journey (on the boat), things to fix, etc, it is difficult to write anything. Ah! C'est la vie!

And specking of life, it has taken another one of those weird turns again. Thanks to Bernnie Madof, the effects of the sub-prime mortgage mess, the rotten economy in New England and a whole host of financial black holes, my income has been sliced in half. Now, if I was making a million a year, it wouldn't be that bad a thing, but making as little as I do ( I am so far below the poverty line that I can't see it), things are beyond tight. If I had been unable to unload my condo, I would probably be able to do it, but since that hasn't happened, it doesn't look as if it is part of God's plan that I go south this year either. It is going to be another New England winter and I can't begin to tell you how depressing that is. Not just the cold and snow, which supposedly is going to be rather nasty this time around, nor is it missing the sun and sailing and seeing new places and doing new things, rather it is about the journey that won't happen, at least not in the way I would wish it. In a very real sense, the personal journey goes on, but the sailing part will come to a dead stop sometime in the next few weeks when ABISHAG gets snuggled down for the winter. The personal journey is obviously more important but it would be nice to do the sailing too.


Anonymous said...

Fuck, shit, piss....damn the bad luck...

Anonymous said...

Is My Hand shortened that it cannot save?
My Power to save increases, as your power to understand My Salvation increases.
So from Strength to Strength, from Power to Power, we go in Union.
Limitless is My Miracle-working Power in the Universe, though it has limitations in each individual life, but only to the extent of the lack of vision of that individual.
There is no limit to My Power to save.
Also there is no limit to My desire and longing to save.
My Hand is not shortened and it is “stretched out still”, longing and waiting to be allowed to bless and help and save.
Think how tenderly I respect the right of each individual soul.
Never forcing upon it My Help, My Salvation.
Perhaps in all My suffering for humanity, that is the hardest, the restraint of the Divine Impatience and longing to help, until the call of the soul gives Me My right to act.
Think of the Love shown in this.
Comfort My waiting, loving, longing Heart by claiming My Help, Guidance and Miracle-working Power.