Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ho-Ho-Ho! ! ! ! !


I wish there was a lot to talk about but it is winter after all. It is cold; the boat is covered up; there is snow on the ground and on the boat; enthusiasm is at a seasonal low. With Christmas coming up in a week, the focus is not on boating. Now if I was where there was sunshine and warm temps and all that goes with such atmospheric markers, then it would be a different story. I would probably be sharing of the "tough" job of cleaning the bottom in the 80 degree Caribbean water or something equally crafted to irritate everyone in the cold, cold North. However, since I am one of those people, I just have to suffer along with everyone else up here. Ugh!!!!!

No movement on the boat sale, not that I really expected any at this time. It was the height of foolish to expect that she would be chosen and gone by the turn of the year. Call me a fool, but I must also be a realist. The condo has been on the market of almost three years and it ain't going anywhere fast. I keep getting people taking a look, asking about expenses and income, and then disappearing into the ether, never to be heard from again. I got excited by the first hundred or so, but now it hardly causes a blip!

I'll be going down tomorrow for the weekly check and to retrieve the electronics from the boat. They wouldn't be damaged by spending the winter aboard, but the yard advises it so that they will not disappear over the winter. They take no responsibility for such an occurrence and, since they suggest removal, it suggests they have had previous problems with traveling electronic components. O joy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There may be many times when I reveal nothing, command nothing, give no guidance.

But your path is clear, and your task, to grow daily more and more into the knowledge of Me.

That this quiet time with Me will enable you to do.

I may ask you to sit silent before Me, and I may speak no word that you could write.

All the same, that waiting with me, will bring comfort and Peace.

Only friends who understand and love each other,

… can wait silent in each other’s presence.

And it may be that I shall prove our friendship by asking you to wait in silence,

… while I rest with you, assured of your Love and understanding.

So wait, so love, so joy.