Thursday, August 26, 2010

Summer's Back With A Vengeance! ! ! ! !


Well, maybe not with a vengeance, but the weather sure has changed for the better. Back have come hot and humid and hazy can't be that far behind. The weather broke yesterday and the wind died off to nothing. And thank goodness for that.

On Tuesday, two more boats broke loose from their moorings. Again, miracle of miracles, neither hit anything nor went aground though one, an aerodynamic racing boat took off down river at such speed the Coast Guard had to send a cutter chase boat to get her before she made it out into Fishers Island Sound. In both cases it was gear failure, specifically the chaffing through of the mooring pennant, but aside from that and the anxiety of the owners, there was no real damage.

I actually spent most the days ashore trying to get some virus or whatever out of my computer. It just didn't want to go and I had three of the best lads in India working on it. It is too bad that computers have almost become a complete and absolute necessity.

It is a beautiful day out here right now and I would be sailing . . .except for the fact that there ain't no wind!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...fuckin' virus!