Wednesday, September 8, 2010

End Of Summer

It is the end of summer . . .at least at TYC and insofar as launch services are concerned. From now until the end of the month, the launch will only be running Friday evening through Sunday evening. Other than that, how one gets from one's boat to land and back is solely up to you. It comes down to swimming - nice on hot days but not very good if you want to carry something with you; using the dinghy - better, certainly drier; and bring to the boat to the dock. I am trying to work out a routine, bringing the boat in in the morning so I can "perform my morning ablutions" and then either go sailing or take the boat back to the mooring, and then using the dinghy if I need to go ashore later in the day. It was always much more comfortable calling for the launch!

ABISHAG is going to be the Race Committee boat for the Commodore's Race on Sunday and with 10 people coming on board, along with all the Race Committee paraphernalia, a major cleaning and storing project is underway. At 30 feet, most people think that it is a fairly large boat. However, she is only 11 feet wide and was not designed with a lot of space for a lot of people. Even with all the rearranging, it will be a bit of a squeeze come Sunday. Hope it don't rain.

I have to cut about 6 inches of the Mizzen boom. Despite previous surgeries, it is still causing problems with the vane on the Wind Steering system. This will also necessitate a trip to the sail loft to perform surgery on the mizzen itself.

There are small craft warnings out again today as there have been since Friday. These are not directly related to the hurricane but they are here none the less. The 15-20 knot winds, with higher gusts are out of the SW and are creating rather rolly conditions in the river which is not all that calm in the best of times.

No decision yet on the future. It is still a fifty-fifty toss up. I can't even say which way things seem to be leaning. it is a dead bang tie.

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