Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Utility Lou" is AWOL


Lou Anderson, relative in some degree of Nelson Anderson, came to the baot yeasterday adn left with the alternator, the regulator and the belt that ran the alternator. Alas, he did not return today which means that the shop they use to check out electrical componenets a.) didn't get to the stuff; b.) did but didn't finish the work; c.) did but they were both beyond repair; or d.) they are trying to find replacements. In any event, I am here for another night.

Another boat joined the party, Tom and Shelia on "Two Spirits" down from Vancouver, BC. They will be receiving some friends tomorrow and will take them cruising for a couple of days before dropping them off and continuing south to the ICW. Tonight we had cocktails and goodies and schmoosed for a couple of hours before Ian and Leigh Anne and Tom and Shelia went off for dinner at the Chessie Crab, the restraunta here at the marina. I had to beg off as I don't know what the butcher's bill for the repairs will be yet and I have to be sure I can cover it. My own culinary delights will have to suffice.

I got to go up the main mast today to retrieve the spinnaker topping lift. It came loose during the storm last week and, even though I don't have a spinnaker pole that needs a topping lift, I had to retrieve it less it do some damage or cause further havoc a some unforeseen time. Ian did the cranking and I did the screaming to about 40 feet off the deck. Actually, it wasn't that bad and took about 10 minutes. You get a great view at 40 feet but I still hated it. But now it is down and all secured and all is as it should be.

Waiting for ""Utility Lou" to show provided me with time to was the floors, the dishes, the sink, the counters, to repair a broken latch, to store items that have been bouncing around the cabin and even look at the ICW on the Chartplotter. The frist part of the ICW is a little hecktic but after mile 10 it seems to become very sedate. Of course, as every cruising guide warns, that is when the grounding occur. As they all say, you have to get comfortable with going agound because there are only three types of people on the ICW, thouse who have gound aground, thouse who are about to go aground and those who have gone aground but lie about it. Thank goodness for "TowBoat US."

The creek must be a way point for water fowl heading south. Man, they are verywhere adn the noisiest creatures imaginable. You would think they would shut up once the sun goes down but naw, they keep right on sqwaking all night.

The days have been pleasantly warm, in some cases too hot and humid but the nights are cool. In fact, it is supposed to get down right cold tonight, a two blanket night for sure.

Well, tomorrow is another day and hopefully "Utility Lou," the alternator, belt and regulator all show up and I can get out of here . . .nice as it is.

O by the way, the wifi connection down here is awful. It is slow and undependable. Hopefully it will get better.

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