Wednesday, March 9, 2011

HAppy Ash Wednesday


As I mentioned before, Internet access down here in the Miami Anchorage leaves a lot to be desired. After trying for almost an hour last night to get a Blog out, I gave up in frustration and went to bed. Tonight, the Internet access seems a little bit more reliable . . . perhaps.

I made a shear pin out of a piece of stainless steel rod I found in my "What Not" locker. I have no idea where it was from or what it was for, but it fit(the right diameter and cut to length) and so the outboard is up and running again. More shear pins await me in Ft. Pierce and so if this one holds all should be well in that department in the future.

I have been trying to plug the slow leak in the front tube of the dinghy but nothing I try works completely. My latest effort involved using liquid electrical tape. It slows the leak down considerably but doesn't quite stop it all the way. As a result, I am trying to apply several coats/layers in the hope of stopping it completely. If not, Dave Dixon ie. "Dr. Fix-It" will have to make another "house call" once I get back up to Beaufort, SC.

Three of the boats anchored near me hauled up and headed out today. All three are headed north and I should be following in a few days, once all my packages arrive in Ft. Lauderdale. There will be several stops further on in Florida but after them, then next "appointment stop" is Beaufort,SC.

I am itchy to start the trip back. Once you set a goal and reach it there is sort of an empty feeling having accomplished what you set out to do and you get to wonder about what is next. For me the next is to get back home. My two basic goals were to see Jerry and get to a place where the "water doesn't freeze in the bilge" and I have accomplished both. Truth be told, had the winter been less severe in the North, I probably would have started back already. I am really only holding off until I get my mail and then I will be homeward bound. I am sure that somewhere on the trip home, when I get hit with a sudden unexpected gold snap, I will regret not staying longer, but what the heck, there is no place like home.

It will be a bit strange going over "familiar ground" and some of the places I am not all that eager to see again, like the three "Hell Gates" but there are some others that I really do want to stop and check out. I especially hope that the Dismal Swamp route will be navigable for ABISHAG as I don't know when or if I will have another chance to do it. For now, everything depends on UPS, FED-EX or whoever is delivering the packages. Thursday is suppose to crap out so the earliest departure will be Friday. Like I said, I am getting itchy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you get this and you might already know. The shear pin is engineer to breakaway before other damage is experienced. Therefore substituting materials is risky unless the cross-section is adjusted locally at the expected stress concentration to ensure failure before something more expensive does! Chuck Wargo