Friday, April 1, 2011

What Is That Bright, Shiny Object In The Sky?


Still on the hook in Daytona!

It actually got down into the 50's last night. Yeah, I know, I know, but down here that's cold. It made up for it during the day by getting up into the 80's. That was a good thing. i could open up the whole boat and let her air out and dry out. By late in the afternoon, the dampness had gone and thing were more back towards normal, at least for down here.

Rowed ashore and picked up some ice and a few odds and ends and then curled up with a good book in the sunshine. It was actually a bit "breezy" today as NOAA likes to say, blowing in the 20's but the fact that there wasn't a cloud in the sky and the temp was warm more than made up for it. I did a little repair work on my "Swedish" flag and the ensign. Both have gotten rather tattered from being blown against the shrouds and I will probably have to retire them once I get back. But they have been up everyday of the trip and they won't come down until it is over, if there is anything left to them.

I called Annie in St. Augustine and let here know I would probably be there by the end of next week. She seemed excited that we would have the chance to get together, especially since I missed her on the way down. (I didn't even know she lived in St. Augustine!) I am still waiting for Rich & Martha to get back from the left coast and they should be in Monday or Tuesday and I'll make a stop in Palm Coast.

Other than that there is not much going on . . . and I am enjoying that!

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