Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Longest Day of the Year


Actually, when you think about it, it is actually a misnomer. All days after all, are 24 hours in duration and what we actually have here, or there, was the day with the longest duration of sunshine. Just semantics I guess, but it was a vary nice day. Unfortunately, I was rushing off here and there getting to several appointments and really didn't spend any time on the water or sailing ABISHAG. And now today, Wednesday, when I have the time, i also have rain to go along with it. (Sigh!) Such is the life of a boater. And the next couple of days don't promise a much better outlook but then I have to deal with what comes my way whatever it is. And as On the trip, there are always thousands of items on the projects list that can be attended to. O drat!

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