Friday, June 10, 2011

The WInd Blows Where It Will!


Well, we got another one of those storms last night. I am not exactly sure what is going on but it seems that NOAA's usual "30% chance of thunderstorms" which is a part of every cast in the summer is coming true. Usually it is just a CYA, but it has been amazing accurate the last few days. Even as I write this, it is clouding up and who knows, perhaps we are in for more rain(the wind is already here!)

Did a repair job on the dodger, using fiberglass reinforced tape on the splits in the "window." I can't see through this tape but then I never am moving with the dodger up in anything but nasty weather. That usually means that the dodger is rain soaked or water splashed and so you really can't see out of it anyway. Usually to take a peak requires standing up and peering over the dodger. It is more of a protecting against getting wet, or more than you usually are when it is up and in use. The tape will probably hold a month before the UV rays deteriorate it enough for it to fail and need to be replaced.

In the wind and rain last night, a 33 foot sailboat went up on the rocks at Eastern Point, just down the river from TYC. I don't know names and what they were doing out there nor weather any damage was done nor whether anyone was hurt. Hopefully no one was hurt and you can always replace/repair/buy another boat.

Big project tomorrow . . .if the weather is good. Finding leaks with a shop vac!

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