Sunday, November 13, 2011

Slow Disassembling Of ABISHAG


This must be Indian Summer or something close to it. The days are wonderful and even the nights are too, too bad - too cold that is. I took the opportunity to head up to Portland to do a couple of things on ABISHAG. The first was to pack all of my remaining clothes and get them out of the boat before they end up moldy. One of the things I have found on my trip that packing clothing with drier sheets actually prevents the " 3 M's," mold, mildew and moths. Still there was a dampnes to a lot of the stoff and I will have a large laundry project ahead of me. It will be washing drying and re-packing for the trip to Vermont.

Another item that needed taking care of was the "Speedo" transducer. This is a little paddle wheel that extends beyond the surfsce of the hull underwater and spins as the boat moves through the water. A magnet no one of the paddels passes a point and produces a small \electrical cahrge that is read as speed by the "Speedo." Unfortunately, the transducer is locat4rd on a part of the hull where it is possible that it will hit by the straps used to lift the boat out of the water. It has to be removed and replaced with a flat plug less the weight of the hull be transfer to it as the straps are drawn up tight. At best, it will break the paddle wheel and at worst, it will psuh the entire fixture right into the hul creating a hole in the hull. Holes under the water line are not good things. It would require a seriious repair job come spring and, more than likely, a whole new trsansducer unit and maybe a whole new "Speedo" set up. It is easy and less work and much less expesnsive to pull the transducer and replace it with its plug. Trying to get the transducer out proved to be an exercise in futility for reasons unknown. After fiddling with it for a few minutes, I decided to leave it for the yard crew to do. I left them a note with the plug on that hatch which sat over the location of the transducer. I also made it a point to track down one of the yard crew and let them know the situation.

As for being hauled? well, there are no other boast on the docks so I must be the next one to get hauled. It has "only"been a month since ABISHAG moored of the marina so it is about time.

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