Thursday, October 11, 2012

All Ashore Who's Goin' Ashore!


I am Ashore! Shore Bound! Not Aboard! Landlocked! Hard Aground! On the Hard! I now live in a residence that doesn't move with the tide or the winds! I haven't paid the slightest attention to what NOAA or any other weather prognosticator has said about the weather in almost four days! In one sense, that is a relief, still . . . . .

In a couple of days (I hope), the yard crew at Yankee with lift ABISHAG out of the water and set her gently on poppets and winter will finally begin. True, I have to strip her out and get her ready to weather the winter, but that won't happen until she is on the hard. A problem with that is "to where do I haul all the stuff," followed by the equally perplexing "how do I haul all the stuff?" I am hopeful that I will "soon' have a place of my own ashore but the "if" and the "when" are still pretty much in the air. And the thought of hauling to one spot only to have to remove it all and haul it to another spot is a source of "acid indigestion." I am sure that it will all work out but the when is really up in the air.

I had to go visit ABISHAG to retrieve a few items for my new life ashore an actually ran into the guy who had rescued Bill Turner's dinghy the day before we began our last trip. He and his wife are quite a couple.  They are hauling their boat this year rather than taking it south, though I get the impression that he has several boat deliveries set up to wile away the winter months in the South rather that stay in the cold north. It is a fine way to spend the winter but right now it holds no appeal for me. I am actually glad to be on the hard though I have to go through a bit of a learning process about how to live on land again, as well as develop a new "schedule for the day." Sadly, my new quarters do not orientate to the tide in the Thames  River so it means that I don't get awoken by the dawn. I actually didn't get up until 7am this morning, though that was more because I stayed up late to watch the Orioles cough one up to the Yankees.

I still have to get the dinghy to Tom Welsh's house so that it sleep the winter through and after that, TYC should see me no more until the Spring.  It is sort of like leaving home!

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