Saturday, November 24, 2012



Well, truth be told, there isn't a lot of new going on. I went up to ABISHAG a couple of days ago to remove all of the clothes, towels and the like from her. Now I must spend a couple of days doing serious laundry.  They all have the "scent" of diesel fuel, mildew and what Fred likes to call "bilge breath." It is not bad but it is noticeable and so, it is laundry time.  One good thing is that I won't need to bring all of the stuff back come the spring. When I was traveling on the boat and living there full time, it was a necessity but not so much now. If my "cash flows" allows for i, come the spring I will also install a couple of solar powered vent to keep the air flowing through out the boat and the atmosphere nice and fresh.  The fact that Thanksgiving Day is now history and the weather this weekend is supposed to be especially cold, it is harder than ever to get up the gumption to go to the boat and strip her out. I really hate winter.

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