Sunday, January 13, 2013

Typhoid Mary vs. Flu Sue


     As Russ and I traipsed around the country-side, every local newscast began with the most current details of the flu out break in that particular area. In some areas it was quite severe, with some deaths recorded, though few thank goodness.  Still it was everywhere and it was probably due to the wide-spread nature of the outbreak that there were so few people out and about at the various tourist attractions we stopped to see.

     But all good things come to an end, among them the trip and good health. For me, good health ended sometime Friday afternoon, worsened Friday night, and completely departed by Saturday mooring. I am not sure what I got: a 24 hour tumor, your basic cold, the flu or THE FLU,  but in any case, I got it. It's the whole 9 yards: headache, fever, sweats, chills, upset stomach, runny nose, stuffed sinuses,  and all the assorted aches and pains and debilitating effects of whatever it is that I got. SO it is lots of aspirin  -  for the aches and pains;  Coke -  for fluid upkeep and to deal with nausea and upset stomach; Pepto -  for what was formally in must come out, but one wants it under control so to speak; and lots of sleep. sleep, sleep which can be hard when you are alternating between sweats and chills.

     I was always thankful that  I never came down with a cold/flu which on the ICW trip. It would actually have been a little bit frightening.  When I get something like I am experiencing now, my body just shuts down. I crawl into bed with all of my "stuff" an arms length away and just crash until I am better.  That would have been a little scary doing so anchored in a "crick" off the ICW somewhere and I am sure that any marina owner would have loved me renting a slip for a few days until I "got better' and would he mind stopping by once a day to make sure that I am "still alive."

My period of lucidity and "up-&-at-'em" is coming to an end. Time to crash again. Stay healthy!

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