Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It Is Good To Have Talented Friends!


     It was a day for mechanical work, though it wasn't on ABISHAG. Originally, Friend Fred (one of the Bucket Brothers) were going to head on down to see Bob (the other Bucket Brother) in Milford. The intention was to have Bob fabricate two stainless steel rods that are a part of the furling system for the mainsail on ABISHAG. These two rods guy the foot of the mainsail into the furling tube and prevent it from snagging and/or tearing as it furl and unfurls. These rods are not what you would call particularly hi-tech, but simple and practical and they work. Unfortunately, one disappeared in the great storm of October 2010 off the coast of New Jersey along with the previous night's gourmet dinner. It would have meant that furling/unfurling would be a task filled with caution had I not luckily had a stainless steel rod from some item that I had pack-ratted away in the "what-not" locker. It wasn't a perfect fit but it sufficed as a temporary fix. However, the temporary fix was now two-plus years old and since Bob was will to do the fabrication, who was I to say "nay" to the offer.

     However, at the last minute, Bob's busy social schedule intruded and he had to cancel, so Fred and I still got together but this time the focus was on getting my door handle fixed and my belts adjusted on my P.O.S.  Some weeks ago, I broke the outside, driver's side door handle.  Actually, with the P.O.S. being over 10 years old now and taking into consideration that i am not the most gentle of door closers/door openers, and considering the thing is made out of plastic, I am surprised that it lasted this long. Fred supplied the grunt work, I held the light, the tools and offered suggestions that showed that I was no mechanical tinkering savant! Truth be told, the hardest part of the process was locating a replace meant part. Advanced Auto Parts, where Fred works, wanted $86 & a day. The local Hyundai dealership want $66 and a day. I found it interesting that dealership price was so much less! A couple of used auto parts stores offered the part from there down to $35 but they also want at least a day. A place in Hartford, Carona's, had one in stock for $40 and we went there. We ended up paying $20 because the part was "scuffed." If it hadn't been scuffed it would have stood out like a sore thumb on my P.O.S.!

     Doing this little project made me more eager than ever to get started on the Spring maintenance though the snow storm I ran into from Fred's back to New London was a serious reminder that it is "still" winter. There were several skidding accidents that had to be negotiated a clear indication that others also didn't realize that it was still winter. Driving the P.O.S. in snow or rain or dampness is always an exhilarating experience as control is always an "iffy" thing for some reason. Fred suspects that it is the suspension, that it could be upgraded, but since it has been this way from day one, and since I ain't got the coins to spend on such a project, I'll just choose to drive with care.

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