Monday, August 19, 2013

Yes, It Has Been Awhile, Hasn't It?


     My, time does fly when you are having fun! Where does it all go?  Let's do a little updating shall we?

     My left little toe is still attached. It did bleed quite a bit and it got puffy, but it stayed a nice pink color and now seems fully recovered. There will undoubtedly be a great scar, but since it is on the underside of the little toe and in a normal crease as well, who will even know that it is there?

     The little finger on my right hand is getting better though it is still very sore and the knuckle is still  swollen. I am still not sure if the finger was dislocated or the knuckle was/is slightly busted, but everything moves as it is supposed to and as the swelling goes down, an the pain abates, we should learn more.

     ABISHAG's first venture into racing  was in the the 'Round Fishers Island Sailing Experience and she finished the race.  Not really knowing how to handle her in racing mode and really several years removed from seriously racing a boat, we came in next to last, about 1 hour and 20 minutes behind the first place boat.  It was quite enjoyable as there was no real pressure from any expectation of winning the bloody event,  and it drove home the point that ABISHAG is simply not designed for racing. She is an ocean cruising boat designed to carry people safely in blue water, build for safety and comfort, not for speed.

      And aside from those interesting tidbits, the days have been filled with great sailing and what more could one ask for. My only concern now is the fact that it is August and the September will follow and some sort of decision must be reached with regards as to where I shall spend the winter months. I am not sure I could stand making the trip south again. It might be different if I didn't have to go outside down the Jersey Coast and then up the Delaware Bay, but that's what one must do. Then again I might have to as one can "impose" upon others for only so long. But today's for sailing. ADIOS!


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