Friday, January 3, 2014

Post Snowpocolypse


Well, it has pretty much spent itself, the snow that is. I experienced somewhere between 8" - 10" of fluffy white stuff. It won't be as difficult to shovel as the "wet stuff," but unlike the wet stuff, it won't stay where you put it when you are through shoveling.

And it is cold! ! ! ! ! It is a rip-roaring 9 degrees.  Probably an unimpressive number to the residents of the Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana  and the like, then again this IS Connecticut! As over-insulated as this dwelling is, the furnace keeps kicking on every five minutes or so to keep it at a comfortable 60+/-. One of the great changes that old age is bringing is a greater tolerance to the cold. I don't like it anymore than I did when I was young but it seems like I can stand it better now. May I just don't care anymore about temperatures, but I still prefer SUMMER!

It is "sad" to note that most of Florida is experiencing temperatures of 50 or less. I can feel for those people for whom that is as bad as what we are experiencing up here. Supposedly there is no medical foundation for the idea that your blood "thins" the longer you live in warm temperatures, that the whole think is a mental approach. Who knows for sure, but it is also true that few in Florida own snow shovels, snow blowers and ice shoppers. It sound ideal until you encounter your first swarm of "Palmetto Bugs" which despite the protests of Southerners are simply large flying cockroaches on steroids. Every place has its good point and its bad points. You pays your money and you takes your chance!

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