Saturday, February 1, 2014

Here Comes The Snow Again ! ! ! !


     Well, not right away but late on Tuesday night. It will be another 6-10 inches. I hope it continues to be that light, dry, fluffy type of snow which we have had the last couple of storms as it makes for much easier clean-up. It also seems to last less long, but as is always the case, I'll have to deal with what I get!

     Monday afternoon, I will be stopping bay to see ABISHAG and see how she has been fairing so far this winter. I do not expect to find any problems. I will only go aboard if the traps are askew. If they are in place there is no reason to board. If they are out of place, I will have to check for water entry and see if any "little creatures" from the local environs have crashed for the winter. When I put up the tarps, it was with the intention of leaving the hatches and ports cracked open to allow some air to circulate thus cutting down on mold aboard. The tarps would discourage bother the rain and snow as well as the local raccoon/squirrel/ other-assorted-rodential populations from getting aboard. Actually, they really wouldn't stop a truly determined storm or rodent from getting inside, but like locks on sailboats, they are deterrents and there are other far easier targets in the boatyard!

     I'll head up to staring going through my stuff this week, sorting and cleaning. It is a process that should not actually take too long. I will have to be strict as to what goes back aboard if only because whatever goes I have to haul. And hauling it to the car and then out of the car and up that ladder and into the boat is far from my idea of a good time. It sure wasn't fun taking it all out last fall!

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