Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Getting Closer!


     Well, all the electronics re in. It was not a "plug & play" proposition as there was perhaps a hand's width of space behind the SSB meaning I hand to make all of those connections  without actually  seeing them, merely feeling my way along. The UHF radios were easier, cleaner and more accessible, but I had to concoct a new mount for  the hatch-way radio as the old one broke off. Luckily, I had the mount from whatever device had been in place in the cockpit and with a "little" creative effort, produced a suitable mount. After both were in place, I decided that the mounts need to be switch as the "new" one was too intrusive in the hatch opening. It is a project for today. The two GPS units went in without a hitch but with no juice in the boat, there is no way to test any of this stuff.

     I'll find out this morning when ABISHAG get dunked. I am hoping to take her down river on Saturday with Fred & Bob.  Of course, she has to go into the water before that can happen and with all the "busy bees" hard at work this weekend in the yard, who knows what the waiting line will be like.

1 comment:

Hisannah said...

Co-incidentally your inverter was restarted today and is also 'ready for sea duty'.

About one-half pull gets it started. But you must! drain the carburetor when storing it for any unforeseeable period of time. Very easy.