Thursday, June 26, 2014

Now The Yet!


     About that email from the Coasties . . .  . it seems that they were absolutely correct. The credentials did arrive within 10 days of receiving the email. In fact, they came even before I got the email. Turns out that the credential they were referring to was not the Merchant Mariner credential but the medical certificate for the Merchant Mariner license. Like I said, the every thing I got days before the email announcing that I would be getting it. I'll be getting the Merchant Mariner Credentials as soon as one more group reviews the paperwork and signs off on my qualifications. Any day now. SIGH!

     And the MRI! As I said, my ortho guy is on vacation this week, so after two tries, I got a phone call from the physician's assistant, Tom. The good news is that I don't have a torn cartilage in my knee, I have two torn cartilages in my knee, one on the inside and one on the outside, and while the tear on the inside feels the more painful, the tear on the outside is the greater. I'll have to wait until sometime next week before I can sit down with Dr. Sean and we can decide what to do.There isn't anything they can do stop the pain, no wrap, no brace, nothing like that. I have to live on Aleve or some other anti-inflammatory.  With the arthritis that is present, there is a chance that even if they go in and scope the knee, they pain relief may not be complete.  And how is your day going?

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