Friday, April 10, 2015



      Spent most of yesterday just trying to recover from the previous two days work. When I got up today, pretty much all the aches and pains were gone except for the regular ones that come with aging. That's perhaps because "Arthur" loves the rain and chill  and making my knees and fingers ache.  That's part of why I love hot summer day. It bakes "Art" out, at least for a  few months.

     I received an email from the broker this morning saying that not only are the people coming from Maryland but that potential "sucker," . . .er . . buyer is also showing up . . today. Who knows, just maybe ABISHAG will be heading off to a new home soon. If not, she will be sailing once again out of TYC. IF she does go, I am going to have to find a small, less expensive, smaller boat. And in one sense, that isn't something I look forward to. It can be a real pain, but we shall see.

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