Saturday, November 28, 2015

Exciting Stuff!


      I wish there was something new and exciting to report, but such is not the case.

     The ankle seems to be healing but at a glacial pace. The wounds are all exposed and they look just fine. There will certainly be some impressive scars when all healed. They are all closed but one, the outside of the ankle. It is still seeping a bit and I am wondering if they left a stitch or staple in the wound.  The outside of the foot is numb except  when it isn't, which is usually when I try to sleep. It stars with a little tingling which slowly increases and then shifts to a burning sensation and then it stops, like someone turned off a switch.  After a few minutes it will star again and when I am trying to get to sleep, it gets me just when I am nodding off.  The pain isn't so much "bad' as annoying. I usually end up taking a pain med just to take the edge off so I can fall asleep. It won't wake me from  sound sleep but it will keep me from getting there.

     The location of the "Hermitage" is right next to the stairwell.  There are several college students who have apartments on the upper floors and are wont to run, skip and gambol up ad down the stairs at odd hours. They aren't particularly noisy in the transits but listening to them go up and down on those well working joints is frustrating. I am sure they don't give kt a thought. I know I didn't at their age and I am envious. I long for the day sometime in the future when I can do the same again.

     I have a feeling that we will be getting snow before too much longer. I have no shoe, boot or other footwear that I can wear over the cast-boot that would allow me to traipse around in the snow. It will really limit my movement should it come before I am out of the boot and into regular footwear. And with the snow comes to cold. Right now, I am still wearing shorts as they are the only "pants" I have that can really accommodate the boot and the brace. I found one pair of pants that I could get the left leg into for Thanksgiving but the effort it took to get them on and then get them off was very involved. Perhaps I could go to a kilt?

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