Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Spring Is Coming!!!!! I Do Believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


     Five days into the New Year and already I am getting antsy to go sailing. Perhaps it is because the temp today is to top out at 27 degrees. I hate winter!

     I just got back from my physical therapy session. It is wonderful and awful at the same time. Still quite a bit of numbness in the foot . I go in and for 15 minutes, they wrap my bum ankle in a hot towel and it feels wonderful. Then they spend 45 minutes moving it in all sorts of way that I am not sure it was meant to move. Then, for 10 minutes, they pack it in ice while they run an electrical current through it to "stimulate it." It makes my toes wiggle  and the hair in my leg stand up. It definitely is helping there is more movement and the electrical/burning sensation has faded a great deal and the pain that was there is negligible. I must be getting better.

     Thanks to some very generous Christmas gifts, I was able to pay a big chunk of the outstanding yard bill and ABISHAG will be free and clear by May at the latest. I am looking forward to getting up to Yankee to begin working on her and work out some deal with Sound Rigging to get the furler back in service. The rest of what needs doing is DIY stuff and I can handle it. It only wants some decent weather and some more Marine Units. AH, the joys of boat ownership!


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