Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Still Waiting For Matthew


     Well, Matthew doesn't seem to have lost any punch in the last 24 hours even running over Jamaica and Haiti.  Dropped about 40 inches on Haiti. Just what they needed.

     Matthew is moving north about 9 mph and it looks as though it will impact Florida  in a day or so and will head up the east coast. It could get as close as right along the coast which will do a real job on the state. It then appears it will follow the curve of the coast at least as far north as Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. After that, no one is making any guesses or predictions, or I should say, everyone is making W.A.G. , Wild Ass Guesses,  that send it anywhere north and or east of Hatteras. In other words, nobody knows nothing for sure.

     Perhaps the only good news is that Matthew is expected to weaken as it impacts land and that since it is not expected to speed up, shouldn't get here until Monday at the earliest. If that holds true, I should be able to get ABISHAG up the Connecticut River and snugged down in Portland ahead of the storm. Of course, Matthew decides to go to Bermuda, everyone here will be very happy. However, we won't know for awhile. O the Agony Of Waiting!

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