Sunday, December 18, 2016

Snow? Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!


     The weather has been a little crazy the last 24 hours. Yesterday, we got 3 inches of snow and it was bitterly cold, down in the high 20's. The roads were icy and even I had to turn up the heat! This morning it was in the mid 50's and the snow was all but gone.  Very Bizarre!

     According to NOAA, the rest of the week should be mild with more snow on Christmas! Everyone who believes that stand on your head! It would be nice to have a white Christmas, but I don't buy it. I have along history with NOAA tat is not pleasant. Truly, I wouldn't trust it if they claimed the Sun rose in the east! At least, I would take it with a grain of salt. But as I have learned over the years, it rally doesn't matter what is forecast, one has to deal with whatever weather shows up. So it is hope for the best, plan for the worst!

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