Thursday, July 5, 2018


     I was expecting to go to the sail loft and do some work today before heading off this afternoon to do a shift on the launch. However, the loft was basically closed because of the heat. It is an old building in downtown New London and it really traps the heat. The parts for the sails are cut in the "Cutting Room" which is in the basement. It it cool and comfortable even in the worst heat. The various sail parts are assembled in the loft it self which is on the top floor and is terribly hot. We really can't run fans as they will blow pieces all over before we can assemble them and tape them in place before sewing. we also must be careful about opening up the windows beyond a crack ad a strong gust of wind will do the same. Think of working in an attic! No fun at all. Hopefully next week will be just a little cooler.

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