Friday, July 27, 2018


       The day before our departure for the cruise to Newport, I had the 9 to 5pm shift running the launch. I knew that it was going to be a strange day as I arrived at TYC and couldn't see a single boat nor the end of the dock. There was serious fog as well as several people waiting to go out to their boats. wisely, none of them asked for a ride out to their craft. And it was hot. And it was humid. I didn't like the "omens."

     The one thing I wanted to do today was to bring my boat into the dock so that friend Fred could come down and load all the food and supplies for the cruise and have a place to sleep for Friday night. There were a couple of boats at the dock and throughout the day they kept being replaced by other boats. I had to get one of the other launch drivers to drive the launch for about 15 minutes of my shift so that  I I could go out to ABISHAG, rig the dock lines, drive her to the dock and tie her up, and then get back to my shift. Whenever a spot at the dock opened up, it became incredibly busy and I couldn't make the change-over. Three of the launch drivers are going on the cruise and we were all trying to finish up loading and preparing our boats for the cruise.  Trying to find the right moment was almost an exercise in futility. It literally took 5 hours to get it done but got it done I did.

          And then there was the heat and humidity. Boy, did it suck all the energy out of me. Humid? I drank so much water and juice and despite all that went in, apart from the sweat, so little came out. It was tough to make the 100 yard walk from the club house to the launch and back again and it got worse during the day. Transient boast whop came in last night and now wanted to spend an extra day. we ended up playing a lot of "Musical Moorings" as we had more boats coming in today and we had to match moorings with boats based on length(Swing radius) and displacement (weight)  with what a particular mooring can reasonably hold. It is no fun dealing with a "guest," who is on a mooring you need, who is in no hurry to leave or change location. And then there is the heat and humidity. ARGH!!!!!

       My shift was to end at 5pm but my replacement was late! Isn't that always the way? I was too exhausted to complain. But tomorrow, I will be off on the cruise and I won't have to even think about driving the launch let alone driving it. Huzzah!


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