Thursday, January 17, 2019

It Be Winter!

      Finally, it is "officially" Winter! I spent yesterday wrapping ABISHAG.  A good thing too as we are supposed to get hit with 3 - 6 inches of snow/sleet/hail from Friday through Saturday and the wrapping will keep at least most of the "falling, frozen moisture" from building up on the deck and causing mischief.

     Of course, it is only about two months before I start the spring maintenance/ cleanup/ preparation. It will be tons of fun as there is about a 6' space to starboard from the boat on that side and I actually overlap the boat to port and even  the boat astern by a little bit. The engine and water systems are winterized and ABISHAG is set for the winter. Well, sort of. There is still a rather chaotic situation aboard as stuff I was hoping to get off for the winter is still aboard and at this point, it is there that it will stay. It will mean a lot of cleaning come the spring but it will be less work that getting it out, taking it to storage and then bring it all back and putting it back aboard.

     As for spring work, there is very little in the way of parking in the marina as they really oversold winter storage. In speaking with Eric the Engine Shaman, getting electricity and water to the boat will be a little chaotic, requiring  long hose lengths and long extension cord. The electricity might not be too much of a problem as I have a portable generator which should handle that aspect no matter how many people are plugged into the marina electrical grid though water will be more of a problem. It will work out though as I won't work on weekends! I probably couldn't find parking in the yard on weekends anyway. I have a small car and trying to maneuver in the yard yesterday was a thrilling experience. I won't be surprise if someone nails a poppet and dislodges it, perhaps dropping a boat to the ground. It should be exciting.

     Sound Rigging took the halyards of ABISHAG last week and I haven't heard from them. I hoping that that means that aside from building the new halyards there is no real problem (read expensive) with the main's furling system.

     I haven't been called by the Sail Lofty to work. I am not sure why as they should have plenty of work. I will probably stop by again and "show the flag" to see if I can get some work. It would be nice to have a little money to live on. Things are getting just a bit tight. After all, I am still going to have to pay Eric once he gets the engine up and running as well as paying Sound Rigging, two expenses I was not expecting. A little extra cash from the sail loft would be nice, then again, perhaps this is the year that Publishers Clearing House finally finds me.

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