Saturday, February 2, 2019

Why Does It Always Happen During The Winter?

     Well, there is nothing like a fire when the temperature is hovering around 10 degrees unless, of course, it is in your building!

      Yes, somebody down one floor and three apartments over, decide to flambe something and it ignited the cabinets above their stove an sent all of us outside. Thanks goodness the sprinkler system kicked in and basically put the fire out. It got a bit smokey but the fire department quickly handled the remain flames and dispelled the smoke. A little stink remains behind but we are all back inside. It easily could have been bad but no one was hurt and everything damaged is replaceable or repairable and the sun will come up tomorrow and we will all be there to see it.

     Considering all the propane, gas, diesel and other flammable liquids aboard ABISHAG, as well as the open flames, a fireplace and a 40 year-old electrical system exposed to the sea air for its lifetime, it is a wonder there has never be a fire aboard. And I hope it stays that way!

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