Thursday, April 16, 2009

AH YES ! ! ! ! ! !


O how I have longed to say it . . . I was down working on ABISHAG yesterday! As Spring-like as it seemed, it was actually quite chilly by the water, but who cares? Certainly not me at this point!

Surprisingly, someone had dabbed bottom paint on parts of the hull and I can't figure out who. I ask the yard crew and they said "No." I asked the people doing the repairs and they said "No." I can't figure out who did it. IT doesn't matter as it will call get covered in a week or so.

I won't be out of the yard by the 1st of May as the repair work will not be completed. The repair people will square this with the Yard people so all should be OK there.

The inside of the boat was still pretty much like a bomb went off in and it was impossible to do any work so the first order of business was to clean and arrange everything. This brought me my first "hidden gift" from the last little adventure. when ABISHAG went over on her side as the tide went out the tool draw cabinet slid to the low side. When the water entered . . not much . . . before I smartened up and closed the thruhulls, enough water got in to fill the bottom draw. I never thought to check it and so it fermented all winter. The Good news was that it contained only my stainless steel sockets plus one not stainless steel bar. The Bad news was that bar rusted all winter and carried rust and corrosion to every piece of stainless steel. True it was only surface contamination but it was a pain in the butt cleaning the draw and cleaning the rust off of EVERY SINGLE SOCKET inside and out. I smell like WD40 which is a great product for such work . . . . but the fragrance lingers.

Completing that got me to the furler on the main mast . . . . .I know that doesn't seem like a logical path but it is. The WD40 was in the same container as the POWER BLASTER penetrating oil and lubricant. I used that to see if it would make the furler less binding so that furling the main in an out would be less of a chore. It seems to work just fine now.

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