Monday, April 20, 2009

Would You Believe . . . . . .


Well, what would the boating pre-season be without a setback or two. Nothing major but the rather harsh winter has put the fiberglass people behind in their work and they will not be able to get to ABISHAG's bottom until mid-May! truth be told, I am not that disappointed as it will allow some more time to finish up some work. They will smooth things over with the yard who was expecting me out by May 1st so all things being equal, perhaps I'll be in by Memorial Day. As you should know by now, that's just the way things work in boating!

Someone has slapped some bottom pain on ABISHAG's bottom, nothing systematic but random spots here and there. Everyone in the yard claims ignorance. Perhaps someone was just trying to clean a brush or something. At least the color is the same.

I suspect that taking the LECTROSAN out of the boat will be the easiest part of the project to get the boat in EPA compliance. I have a funny feeling that the "old" holding tank will not fit in the proposed space under the forward bunk. It may require a "new" tank to go with the other items to put the whole system together. Boating is nothing if not expensive. well, I'll consider it may part of the stimulus package for the marine industry.


It is still a bit chilly down along the coast and cold inside the boat. Varnish won't flow, caulking won't spread or adhere, fingers get numb working in any wet environment. Ah Spring! It is great to get down to the boat and work. Just sitting there gets me to dream about sailing . . . not hitting anything. Hopefully, all things being equal, my first trip of the season will be Black Rock Harbor to New London. Having done it one way, the return trip should be a piece of cake. After that, some weeks of cruising around the Rhode Island/ Connecticut area, then off to Maine . . . all plans subject to change based on weather and a whole host of variables. I won't go any further than that. we'll just have to see what happens.

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