Thursday, September 15, 2016

It Doesn't Pay To Be Too Wise


     Ouch! I cracked a tooth. My right lower molar, which is more fillings than tooth, cracked over the weekend. I didn't know for sure and thought that I had merely irritated the gum when I was flossing. It grew worse and even Ambersol and Oragel didn't do more that temporarily relieved the pain. So I went off to the dentist to see what was what.

     She said that I had two problems. The first was that the tooth was cracked and that there was no way to fill it so as to relieve the problem. Secondly, the cause of the problem was actually an impacted wisdom tooth that I never had removed.  Considering that I had  had two teeth removed when I got braces in high school, I am surprised that the question the removal on wisdom teeth never came up. The impacted wisdom tooth, laying on its side,  was journeying forward and was pressing on the weaken molar causing the pain.  The end result is that the impacted wisdom tooth has to be extracted and the molar needs root canal work and a crown. The extraction will take place Monday.

     The oral surgeon will do a CAT scan first because of the facial nerves involved and will then extract the wisdom tooth. Once that is healed, he will do the root canal and crown. How much fun does that sound like.  They have me on a regime of antibiotics and Vicodin for pain, of which there is a bunch. It has lessened a bit after one day on the regime but unfortunately it also means that I can not drive the launch. Narcotics are a no-no. It puts the club in a bit of bind as two of the four launch drivers are away this weekend on a club cruise, one is away Sunday (my shift was Sunday 2-7pm) and the fourth is doing the morning shift on Sunday. It is not allowed for a driver to do two shifts in a day. I am not sure what the Commodore will do but really there is nothing I can do about it. Aside from that, everything is great!

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