Monday, September 19, 2016

More Fun Than A Poke In The eye with A Sharp Stick!


     Well That done and over with . . . .  at least the surgical part anyway.  I have a wad of gauze in the corner of my mouth, a very numb mouth indeed. I've got ice for 20 minutes every 20 minutes. I've got to change out the gauze when it gets too bloody. I am supposed to bite down firmly but gently on the gauze but not clench. Try make that determination when you can't really feel anything. The pain is not supposed to be really bad but they suggest that you start your pain medication right away so that you can manage your pain better.  And you spend time praying that you don't develop a "dry socket," something that happens when the blood clot/scab/whatever detaches and goes away. I am not quite sure why it is painful but it is and it is to be avoid. Care needs be exercised.

      The surgeon did considerable hacking and drilling and sawing and got the tooth out almost in one piece. It took less than 15 minutes once he started to work and he seemed very pleased with how it went and that's a good thing. I'll let you know about the pain when I can feel my face again.

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